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Know Your Pepper

Piper nigrum and other plants


The History of the Pepper Trade

One of the first commodities ever to be traded between the Orient and Europe, pepper features often in texts from medieval times. Rents, dowries and taxes are recorded as being paid in pepper, and tradesman who dealt in the spice were referred to as 'Pepperer' (England), 'Pfeffersacke' (Germany) or 'Poivrier' (France). The over land trade route went along the well known Silk Road, and back then to Alexandria, Genoa and Venice. Venetians, well placed at the end of the silk road, owed their prosperity to the pepper trade.
However this was due to change, in 1453 the Ottoman Empire seized Constantinople (now Istanbul) and took command of the silk road route. They were able to set high tariffs on trade, making the Europeans keen to find an alternative route.

In 1498 Vasco da Gamma, the Portugese explorer discovered a sea route to the Malabar Coast, creating a much more cost effective route for the trade. This meant that the lucrative pepper trade could be monopolised by traders in Lisbon. This was to continue for two centuries, while the earlier trade centers suffered a sharp decline.

The Dutch got in on the act in 1595 courtesy of Houtman of Holland. A voyage to Indonesia lead to them taking charge of pepper production in Sumatra, Java and the Moloccas.

By 1650 cultivation had spread though Maritime South East Asia into areas controlled by the British. London now became the main trade centre, prices dropped and pepper became a condiment on everybodies table.

In USA the trade started with a shipment of Sumatran pepper worth $100,000, courtesy of a certain Jonathan Carnes of Massachusetts. After that Salem and Boston became established as trade centres.

These days pepper is a worldwide trade, with the USA, Western Europe, Japan and Korea being major consumers. Main producers are Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Brazil, Malaysia, China and Sri Lanka.

Black Pepper and White Pepper

Both of these are produced from the plant Piper nigrum.

The best quality White Pepper is produced from the fruit of the plant, known as peppercorns. These are harvested when mature, just as they turn from green to red,  then soaked in water for a week or so in a process known as retting. In that week enzymic reactions and fermentations occur, not only giving genuine white pepper it's unique flavour and odour but also causing the dark outer skin to loosen and detach. After that the peppercorns are rubbed to remove the rest of the outer skin, then they can be dried and ground.


Black pepper is produced by harvesting peppercorns while they are still green. For the best black pepper the whole corn is dried and ground creating a light coloured pepper of very good quality. The outer husk contains additional citrus and floral flavour notes.

It's also possible to separate the outer husk mechanically from the inner by decortication. This allows the production of a white pepper from the inner parts, while what remains can be used for black pepper.


Less common are Green Peppercorns, these are the same as black peppercorns but have been processed in a way that keeps their colour, for instance by freeze drying.




How to Identify Tradition Style Pepper.

White Pepper produced by retting picks up a complex blend of taste and odour, due to the microbial action which occurs only when traditional fermentation processing methods are used. The distinctive aroma that has traditionally been a feature of English cuisine is easily picked out by connoisseurs, to those less familiar the give away is actually a subtle hint of manure in a complex blend which is rich and warm.

White pepper produced by decortication lacks the complexity of flavour, but still has the light colour which makes it ideal in foods such as white sauces, where a darker pepper would cause discolouration.


Traditional Black Pepper from the whole peppercorn can be seen as a mixture of dark and light pieces when course ground, and is a relatively light color when fine ground.



Black pepper produced by decortication creates a lower cost pepper with a dark colouration, while this lacks the flavour depth of traditionally produced peppers it can still add the familiar pepper zing to a product.


Beyond Piper nigrum.

While the plant Piper nigrum is now the dominant source of peppers worldwide this has not always been the case.

Before the discovery of Piper nigrum by Europeans pepper was obtained from Piper longum, called the Long Pepper. Indeed the term 'pepper' itself derives from the Indian name 'pippali' which referred to the long pepper.
While long pepper is actually stronger in taste than black pepper it is now much neglected and since the 14th century is something of a rarity in Europe, with the discovery of Chilli peppers from South America contributing to it's downfall.

Grains of Paradise is the evocative name of the seeds of Aframomum melegueta. Grown in West Africa this is another neglected pepper that was a popular alternative in Europe in the 14th and 15th Centuries. In addition to a peppery tang it has an aromatic flavour and is said to aid digestion, particularly in comparison to black pepper.


Cubeb (Piper cubeba) is another rarity. Sometimes described as a cross between pepper and pimento (allspice) cubebs have a persistent aromatic flavour with a hint of bitterness. Despite being overlooked, cubebs make a very attractive gourmet alternative.


Pink Peppercorns, the dried berry of a tree, Schinus molle, produce a sweet and tangy pepper which can be confused with pink peppercorns produced by a special processing of ripe Piper nigrum. However although the shape is the same Pink Peppercorns are softer and hollow.


Szechuan Peppers are the small fruit of the pricky ash tree ( Zanthoxylum simulans, although other similar species can used). This has a very different taste to the other peppers, containing no piperine. Apart from a slight lemony overtone it creates an unusual tingly numbness in the mouth.



Whatever your wholesale pepper needs Camstar can advise and provide.


Martin Hoxworth - Group Sales Manager:
Product Key
NOTE: online specifications for guideline only, always request latest spec before purchase.
CP109PGStandardPepper Green Bell 1-3mm20Kg Download Image
CP157PLLong Pepper PowderVarious Download Image
CP167PBHeat TreatedPepper Black Ground HT 1.5VO25Kg
CP179PBStandardPepper Black Ground 1000µ HT (Coarse)25Kg
CP181PWStandardWhite Pepper Ground Muntok25Kg Download Image
CP186PBPHeat TreatedPepper Black Ground SS 50 #
CP187PWPHeat TreatedPepper White Ground Steam Treated Download Image
CP188PBHeat TreatedBlack Pepper Cracked 8# HT25Kg Download Image
CP220PGPepper Green Bell 9mm Download Image
CP238PBRStandardPepper Red Bell DehydratedVarious Download Image
CP239PBGStandardPepper Green Bell DehydratedVarious Download Image
CP242PBHeat TreatedPepper Black Ground SS 400micron25Kg
CP270WBPHeat TreatedPepper Black Whole SS 550g/l25Kg Download Image
CP281PBHeat TreatedPepper Black Steam Treated 18#25Kg Download Image
CP288PBHeat TreatedPepper Black Steam Treated 14/36#25Kg Download Image
CP3975 Pepper Mix 25Kg Download Image
CP435WBPHeat TreatedPepper Black Whole Steam Treated 550g/l 5% min Piperine25Kg
CP507TPBStandardTurmeric & Pepper Blend500Kg Download Image
CP54PBNHeat TreatedBlack Pepper Ground HT25Kg Download Image
CP55PBHeat TreatedBlack Pepper Cracked 18# HT25Kg Download Image
CP599CPHeat TreatedChipotle Pepper Powder Light Heat Treated20Kg Download Image
CP607SIStandardSzechuan Pepper Ground25Kg Download Image
CP62PBHeat TreatedBlack Pepper Cracked 12# HT25Kg Download Image
CP759GBPHeat TreatedPepper Black Ground Indonesian25Kg Download Image
CP85PWNHeat TreatedWhite Pepper Ground HT25Kg Download Image
CPO05GBPStandardOrganicGround Black Pepper Organic
CPO34WPGHeat TreatedOrganicPepper White Grd. Organic25Kg Download Image
CPO40CBPOrganicBlack Pepper Cracked Organic
PS0270Pepper Red Bell 9mm Download Image