Ed & Tracey in India

International Spice Conference 2018

Here's Camstar CEO Ed Starke at the 2018 International Spice Conference in Jaipur, India, organised by the All India Spices Exporters Forum. We assume they've put that large label on him so they can be sure to send him home after the conference.

Ed and Sales Director Tracey Clark met up with friends old and new as they attended the four day conference which this year has the tag line "Managing Disruptions through Transformation and Collaboration".


Rumours that Tracey wasn't coming home at all this year may be exaggerated, but as this photo shows they aren't totally without foundation. Certainly looks like she, at least, is welcome to stay.

Tracey's fashion sense also caused quite a stir, the stunning sari she's wearing here won her the title of best dressed woman in the hotel.

  Ed attempts to hitch a ride on an elephant.

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