iiE Bronze Accreditation for Sustainability

Operations Director Gav Keach's priority for 2022/23 was Sustainability. To show our commitment  we registered with Investors In The Environment (iiE) and attained an industry recognised accreditation.

iiE is a national environmental scheme designed to help organisations reduce their impact on the environment by implementing practical and meaningful solutions. To do this we had to collect data over a 12 month period and use it to improve performance.

Following principles outlined within our Environmental policy the following is a list of examples we have completed on our journey to achieving Bronze:

  • Created a Waste Management Plan leading to reduced landfill waste.
  • Completed an Environmental Social Project planting various trees around our site.
  • Created a Sustainability Action Plan.
  • Measured our Carbon Footprint.

Mark Parker Camstar iiE Green Champion states: “This has been a real team achievement, we have had to increase awareness of environmental stewardship across the business, making everyone aware of our aspects and impacts. Our team of Green Champions will drive improved environmental stewardship”.

The Green Team now has its sights set on iiE silver level, a step up from Bronze which will require Camstar to have a sustainable travel plan, set energy reduction targets and complete a further two environmental social projects. This is only the beginning for Camstar, we will continually strive to maintain and improve our environmental performance.


  Our tree planting inititiative around the Chestnuts Farm site includes native trees such as oak and wild cherry.

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