
  • The Tracked Harvester comes into its own.

    10 August 2024

    The UK weather has been challenging this year, as it has been in many parts of the world. Heavy rains at the start of July made the fields wet, making many of our fields difficult to work on. Luckily our...
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  • iiE Silver Certification for Camstar

    02 July 2024

    Camstar’s commitment to the environment and sustainability has reached next level results, continuing to work alongside iiE we've achieved Silver certification withiin 12 months.

    Key achievements over the past year:

    • Completed 3 Environmental and Social projects – caring for our local area...
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  • BRCGS Grade AA+ for Camstar

    05 May 2024

    The BRC Global Certification Standards are always rigorous and highly detailed, and for several years now Camstar Herbs have had the privilege of AA status. That's the highest certification level achievable possible based on...
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  • A Third Harvester Has Arrived

    12 March 2024

    Keeping our factories supplied with parsley 24/7 just got easier with the arrival of our 3rd  harvester. While two harvesters can manage to keep us running the third makes a good backup, taking the pressure off the other...
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  • FEMAS Certification Achieved

    11 January 2024

    We're delighted to announce that Camstar Herbs Ltd. is now fully certified under the Feed Materials Assurance Scheme. This parallels our longstanding BRC certification but applies towards feed materials which will be supplied into the feed industry.
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  • The End of the 2023 Parsley Season

    23 November 2023

    They say there has to be rain before a rainbow, and we've certainly had plenty of rain this season. After a dry start to the year the team at Camstar have been faced with difficult conditions in the...
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  • Ed Attends IFEAT 2023 in Berlin

    17 October 2023

    CEO Ed Starke recently travelled to Germany to attend the 2023 conference for the International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades. IFEAT, founded in 1977, promotes internation trade in essential oils. For this year's...
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  • 2023 Camomile Harvest Going Well

    09 August 2023

    Camstar's 2023 Camomile harvest is currently proceeding well. After slow growth in the earlier parts of the year the plentiful rains of July, and now August, have given the plants all they need to grow. The only downside...
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  • Camstar Sponsors Diss Rugby Football Club

    18 July 2023

    CEO Ed Starke is always keen to appreciate sporting activities, especially if there's no direct involvement on his part. Ed's patronage will be rewarded with a prominently displayed Camstar logo at the pitch side, seen here in an...
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  • BBC News Wild Exaggerations

    10 July 2023

    You may have seen a worrying news item on BBC's Look East recently about a fire. Well "don't panic", it was all a bit overblown. While we did have a small fire at our Camstar 1 factory it...
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  • iiE Bronze Accreditation for Sustainability

    29 March 2023

    Operations Director Gav Keach's priority for 2022/23 was Sustainability. To show our commitment  we registered with Investors In The Environment (iiE) and attained an industry recognised accreditation.

    iiE is a national environmental scheme designed to help organisations...
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  • Team Camstar at the Six Nations

    Six Nations Calcutta Cup

    08 February 2023

    CEO Ed Starke appears to be becoming a connoisseur of vicariously experienced sporting events. This time he sent a crack Camstar team to Twickenham for the significant rugby match between England and Scotland. When those rivals meet at...
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  • A Visit from a Customer

    12 January 2023

    CEO Ed Starke and Sales Director Tracey Clark on hand to offer a warm welcome to our visitors from Pacific Spice, who came all the way from California in the USA.

    Ed's sporting a very casual look...
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  • Congratulations Gavin, Tim and Neil

    23 December 2022

    When Gavin Keach started at Camstar back in 2021 the last thing he expected was to be overseeing the construction of a new factory. As Operations Director he's had to make it happen, and his efforts are now...
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  • End of Harvest Party

    07 December 2022

    The Camstar 'End of Harvest' celebration seems to be becoming a regular feature now. The traditional Christmas party has been updated by CEO Ed Starke to create a fun event for office and production staff. A hired marquee...
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  • It's Tree Planting Week At Camstar

    07 December 2022

    It's tree planting week at Camstar, as all Camstar staff are invited to plant one of 150 Hornbeam seedlings which will develop into an hedge at our Chestnut's Farm site. The hornbeam is an indigenous variety, and doesn't...
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  • Out and About Again

    19 October 2022

    What's that smart looking bloke doing in Vancouver?

    ...what's the connection to our 100% natural camomile oil?

    ...and what's he trying to hide under his jacket?

    We asked CEO Ed Starke for further details, but with his usual air of mystery he wasn't...
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  • New Products from Camstar

    Rainforrest Alliance certified cassia, and a new range from Mexico

    19 October 2022

    We're very pleased to introduce our customers to Vietnamese cassia that is certified by the Rainforest Alliance, an initiative that supports rural growers in ways that help to protect valuable eco-systems throughout the world.
    These ethnic minority women...
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  • A Look Inside the New Factory

    and the View

    05 October 2022

    With the 2022 parsley running out fast it doesn't look like the new factory is going to go into production before 2023. We'd hoped it would be, but that dry Summer just didn't encourage the parsley to grow...
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  • Harvest Continues After Recent Rainfall

    29 September 2022

    With the drought it's been a terrible year for parsley, without rain it just won't grow. Indeed we had fears that harvest would be over by now. Luckily the weather has turned, and now we'll be going on...
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  • Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

    In Memorium

    20 September 2022

    Here at Camstar we're deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this sad time as we look back on an exemplary life of service...
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  • Eye Heritage Day 18th Sept. 2022

    Supported by Camstar

    18 September 2022

    Visitors to the Suffolk town of Eye on Sunday 18th of September were able to enjoy a free walk and other entertainments as part of the Eye Heritage Day. The picturesque market town is rich in local history...
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  • 2022 Camomile Harvest Complete

    24 August 2022

    The almost complete absence of rain had really slowed growth of our camomile plants this year, and come harvest time they were noticeably low to the ground. Above we see the camomile being cut and left to dry...
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  • Work on the New Factory Continues.

    24 August 2022

    For weeks it looked like a skeleton, but now the new Camstar 1 factory is fully covered. Work now goes on at a pace to get it running for current parsley season. The main dryers are already in...
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  • Our 2022 Parsley Harvest Has Begun

    14 July 2022

    Camstar's 2022 parsley harvest is now under way, with the first load coming in on the 4th of July. The Camstar 2 factory is running well, and the new Camstar 1 factory should be coming on line soon....
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  • 2022 Camomile Crop Doing Well

    06 July 2022

    Once again it's the time of year for camomile, with the flowers making their usual show in the fields and the familiar scent drifting over Chestnuts Farm. Soon the harvest will start and judging by the appearance of...
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  • Congratulations Gavin, and welcome to Melanie

    06 July 2022

    Following an invitation by the directors of Camstar Herbs we're very pleased to announce that Gavin Keach, formerly Operations Manager, has now been promoted to Operations Director. This is in recognition of his hard work and dedication over...
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  • Camstar from the Air

    New Factory Looking Good

    18 May 2022

    Here at Camstar we're looking forward to the 2022 parsley season which should see the new factory working at full capacity. The main structure of the building is now complete, concrete floors are in place and we've even...
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  • Sieve Testing at Camstar

    Got to get it right

    18 May 2022

    Quality Assurance Manager Jack Pickerden has been keen to tell me about his latest piece of test gear, a RO-TAP RX29 test sieve shaker. While sieve testing has been traditionally done manually by that method it's not always...
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  • Camstar Sponsors 2 ASTA Scholarships

    27 April 2022

    Every year ASTA, the American Spice Trade Association, offers scholarships of $1,000 to students under their Susan L. Abbott Memorial scheme. This year CEO Ed Starke is happy to announce that Camstar have funded 2 of these scholarships...
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  • Camstar Staff Looking Smart

    The New Uniforms Have Arrived

    13 April 2022

    A new look for Camstar Herbs, as from now on staff will be wearing our stylish uniforms. The green polo shirts, featuring the Camstar logo, will be visible on site, and as workers make the short walk to...
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  • Warehouses Now Complete

    13 April 2022

    Our project to vastly increase the capacity of our warehousing facilities is now close to completion, the next big task is to fill it with our ever expanding range of herbs and spices.

    Here we see the...
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  • Aid Arrives for Ukrainian Refugees

    07 April 2022

    Our lorry full of essential supplies arrived in Poland for unloading at 4am on 06/04/22. The 14 tonne cargo contains food and other items including 3 tonnes of Heinz Big Soups donated by CEO Ed Starke himself, and...
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  • Donations for Refugees

    Can you help?

    16 March 2022

    Camstar Herbs are now collecting donations to send to the Ukrainian Refugees in Poland, via a lorry which Evergreen Harvesting will be driving. We are reaching out to our surrounding community, to ask for your help in donating...
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  • The New Factory

    16 February 2022

    The structure of the new factory already dominates Camstar's main site at Chestnuts Farm. The tall structure is designed for two new state of the art dryers and we've taken the opportunity to really optimise the layout. Basically...
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  • An Empty Warehouse at Camstar?

    How is that even possible?

    15 February 2022

    Not something you'd expect to see, and of course there's a very easy explanation. Racking has only just been completed in one of our new warehouses, there simply hasn't been time to fill it yet. Nevertheless a start...
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  • Big Plans for 2022

    New Warehouses Looking Impressive

    11 January 2022

    Work on the new warehouse facility at our Chestnuts Farm site is really coming together, with concrete floors completed and the full scale of the buildings now visible without those protective fences which have been a feature of...
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  • Camstar Group Celebration Party

    Did It Really Happen?

    09 December 2021

    With your regular correspondant unable to attend, people were asked to take pictures of the festivities as CEO Ed Starke invited Camstar Group employess and associates to "Raise a Glass to Our Future". These photos proved harder to...
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  • Where Does Our Parsley Go?

    18 November 2021

    Your correspondent is always pleased to receive interesting images, but this one from Group Sales Director Martin Hoxworth didn't impress at first glance.  CEO Ed Starke had deemed it newsworthy so further investigation was required, obviously it didn't...
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  • We Now Have a Floor

    It's Big

    18 November 2021

    Work on the additional warehouse space at our Chestnut's Farm site continues to progress, with the first concrete floor now in place. Large as it looks, this is only about a third of the development. Here we see...
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  • New Warehouse Space

    Construction Continues at a Pace

    28 October 2021

    Our last report only hinted at the extent of the latest additions to warehouse space. In addition to the recently acquired Warehouse 3, on the opposite side of the road, construction of no less than 3 additional warehouse buildings is...
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  • Construction at Camstar

    Yet More Warehouse Space

    30 September 2021

    A large new warehouse is currently under construction at the Chestnuts Farm site as part of an ongoing program of investment and expansion.. It's situated next to the existing warehousing facility and adds another 150,000ft². 

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  • The Camstar Euro 2020 Team

    09 September 2021

    The picture that says it all, from left to right Gavin Keach (Operations Manager), Jack Pickerden (Quality Assurance Manager), Paul Williams (Assistant Warehouse Manager) and Neil Harkett (Warehouse Manager). None of them expected to be there, but somehow...
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  • Thank You from Tido Primary School, Kenya

    They even made us a video

    09 September 2021

    CEO Ed Starke's efforts to bring help to needy children continue with this latest donation. Pupils at Tido Primary School, in Kisumu, Kenya we're delighted to receive a large consignment of equipment. 20 of the older pupils were...
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  • A New Facility at Camstar

    02 September 2021

    It's sometimes hard to keep track of what's new at Camstar, and this rather stunning new 'Development Kitchen' situated in the main office building certainly comes as a surprise. The fully featured state of the art facility has features a...
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  • Camstar Up and Running

    Parsley Harvest Continues

    19 August 2021

    You may have seen dramatic pictures of a fire at Camstar on the news, and indeed the drying plant at Chestnuts Farm is temporarily out of action. The nearby warehouse was untouched, so it's only parsley that will...
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  • Camomile Harvest 2021 is Complete

    12 August 2021

    The brief camomile harvest is now over for the year, and this year's production of Roman Camomile Essential oil has been of superb quality. Colour of the oil can vary considerably, depending on the plants themselves and the...
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  • 2021 Camomile Looking Great in the Field

    08 July 2021

    For your correspondent, the best photo shoot of the year is always the flowering of the Camstar camomile. 2020's Lockdown meant that the crop went undocumented, so it's a great pleasure to get out in the fields and...
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  • The 2021 Parsley Season Has Now Started

    08 July 2021

    It's all hands on deck at Camstar as the 2021 parsley season really gets going. Last week we had a limited arrival of parsley, so that seasonal staff could be trained, now we're running 24 hours a day...
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  • CEO's Life of Flavour

    27 May 2021

    Travel and global ingredients inspire me.
    I’ve been cooking since the age of seven and have always had a passion for herbs and spices, ethnic ingredients and worldwide foods. This probably stemmed from the fact that Asian, Chinese...
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  • Always Improving Quality

    22 April 2021

    At Camstar we always put quality first, and spare no effort to ensure our customers are supplied with the very best possible product.

    A common weed encountered within the Parsley crop is Groundsel, a member of the...
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  • Latest Arrival At Camstar

    18 February 2021

    The latest addition to the Camstar fleet of vehicles arrived from India recently, a specially commisioned tuk tuk to the exact requirements of CEO Ed Starke. He seems to have given the designers more or less free rein...
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  • Water for Pe-Hill School, Kenya

    Latest Update on Borehole

    03 December 2020

    Following the installation of a borehole for fresh water at Pe-Hill School it was apparent that a distribution system was needed. CEO Ed Starke was on the case right away and funding was provided. Equipment including Around 800m of piping...
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  • Harvesting the Parsley Seed

    15 October 2020

    Estate Manager Tim Stammer's latest project becomes a reality as parsley seeds that had been left to dry in the field can finally be harvested. The recent heavy and incessant rains obviously didn't help the drying process, but as can...
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  • A New Look for Camstar 1

    01 October 2020

    The Camstar 1 processing plant received something of a make-over for the 2021 season. Including a new roof complete with energy saving skylights and safety cables.
    With access deemed safe your intrepid reporter was allowed to ascend to grab a...
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  • Parsley Seeds for 2021

    30 September 2020

    The latest project for Estate Manager Tim Stammers is for Camstar to produce our own parsley seeds for next season. An area of parsley was left from 2019, as a bienniel it needs to overwinter before it produces...
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  • Camstar Ingredients Latest Brochure

    Our sister company has plenty to offer

    17 September 2020

    You've often heard us say we're your one stop shop for flavour, now see just how true that is. Camstar Herb's product range, based on herbs and spice, is ideally complemented by the dry and wet blends from...
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  • Investment in Equipment Continues

    ...but what is this strange device?

    03 September 2020

    Staff at Camstar 3 were recently baffled by the arrival of the bizarre vehicle you see pictured here. A bit of investigation soon turned up that it's a Vietnamese rickshaw bicycle, known as a 'cyclo'.

    Suspicions that...
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  • Camstar Ingredients Promotional Video

    27 August 2020

    Camstar Ingredients Ltd. our sister company in the Camstar Group just had this rather stunning promotional video made, complete with drone footage and an insight into the vast range of products and services that they can provide.

    As yet...
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  • New Warehouse Now Operational

    Camstar 3 Fills with Parsley

    20 August 2020

    With the Parsley harvest well under way the new warehouse, across the road from our factory at Chestnuts Farm is filling up with parsley. The large new site, aquired this year, includes 40,000 ft sq.of warehousing space. 
    The parsley...
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  • Camomile Harvest and Distillation 2020

    04 August 2020

    The 2020 Camomule harvest is now well under way, above we see the flowers being cut ready to be raked into rows.
    Once it's in rows it can be picked up by the harvester, which quite literally throws...
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  • Our New Trailers

    "Seasoning the World"

    07 July 2020

    Watch out for what will soon be a common sight on the highways and byways of Suffolk. Our new trailers are easily recognisable as they feature the distinctive Camstar logo.
    As always Camstar offer a vast range of...
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  • Chive Processing at Camstar

    17 June 2020

    Our New GS 10-2 Belt Cutter from Kronen will come into operation this season. We'll be producing chive rings from locally grown chives. The digitally controlled cutter can be easily programmed with presets for different cut lengths, easily...
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  • Camstar Warehouse 3, Looking Good

    Another 40,000 ft sq. of Storage

    06 June 2020

    Camstar's new Warehouse 3 will soon be in operation, providing an additional 40,000 ft sq. to our already extensive warehousing facilities. Once in use it'll allow us to further increase product range with year round availability. Whatever your...
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  • Solar Power at Chestnut's Farm

    Warehouse roof ready for switch on

    08 May 2020

    If the sun continues to beat down relentlessly on the Parsley fields which, to be honest, could really do with a bit of rain then at least Camstar is now in a position to benefit. The 896 solar...
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  • Another New Warehouse for Camstar

    07 May 2020

    We're pleased to announce that Camstar's already extensive warehousing facilities will now be augmented following the acquisition of a new site.
    Conveniently just across the street from the Chestnut's Farm site the new 40,000 square foot structure will...
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  • Turkish Sage and Oregano Crop

    07 May 2020

    While most of us hide away indoors the Turkish Sage and Oregano crops are looking good in their fields. Camstar will be able to provide a high quality crop this year, with all products, as always, meeting all...
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  • Green Energy for Camstar

    Solar Panels for Our Warehouses

    29 April 2020

    Camstar's large warehouses will be working even harder for the company once our latest project is realised. Half of the roof will be covered by solar panels, with a maximum output of 260KW. Installation starts next week, and should take...
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  • Makeover for Camstar 1

    Drying Plant at Chestnuts Farm Looking Good

    29 April 2020

    Camstar's drying plant at Chestnuts Farm is getting some major attention these days. 

    The entire roof has been replaced with 100mm composite sheeting,  with colour matched  flashing at the eaves, barges and transitions. All the gutters and...
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  • Camstar Supports the East Anglian Air Ambulance

    22 April 2020

    In these difficult days C.E.O. Ed Starke is determined that Camstar will do what they can to help. The East Anglian Air Ambulance receives no regular government funding and relies on donations to keep its two helicopters flying...
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  • 2020 Season Starts

    01 April 2020

    Since when was dust ever cause for joy? According to Estate Manager Tim Stammers it certainly is today as after the wettest Winter on record in Suffolk we're finally able to start drilling parsley seed for the 2020...
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  • Wedding Ring Returned

    Metal Detector Finds Gold Ring On Beach

    13 February 2020

    Metal detecting enthusiast Stephen Jennings was thrilled to find his first ever gold ring on Lowestoft Beach back in September 2018. A quick examination of the engraved ring revealed the first names and marriage date of a couple...
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  • Still Busy in the Fields

    Camstar Kale Harvest

    09 January 2020

    With the parsley harvest over for this year there's no time for the Camstar growing team to sit back. The 2020 kale harvest is now well under way.
    The green leaves of kale, Brassica oleracea, are a popular...
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  • 2019 Christmas Party

    Ending the year with style

    09 January 2020

    The annual Camstar Christmas Party for 2019 was a great success by all accounts. Hospitality was provided at the local Oaksmere Restaurant with a three course meal, a disco and of course copious drinks for all. Over 60...
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  • Camstar at FI 2019

    Last Chance to Visit Us At Stand #7M171

    05 December 2019

    We're now into the last day of the Fi Europe & Ni 2019 Exhibition which started on the 3rd of December. There was plenty of interest in Camstar, and a photo opportunity with Operations and Sales Director Ben...
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  • The End of the 2019 Parsley Season

    05 December 2019

    As the 2019 Parsley season draws to a close we look back to a good harvest that suffered all the problems and unpredictability that the English weather could muster. As the parsley refused to grow we all waited...
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  • Clay Pigeon Shoot - 2019

    Camstar Growers Show Their Mettle

    01 November 2019

    Held at High Lodge Leisure Ltd. the 2019 Camstar Clay Pigeon Shoot was attended by our growers as well as Camstar Directors and Managers, the Evergreen Harvesting Team, Darryl Shales (Agronomist) and local contractors.
    4 teams of 5...
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  • Camstar Parsley Harvest 2019

    From the Air

    30 October 2019

    The 2019 Parsley Harvest is our biggest ever, with a second Plogeur harvester being brought into play. It's been a challenging year weather wise, with someof the hottest days on record contrasting with some very wet weeks. We're...
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  • Camstar at Fi Europe 2019

    3-5th December, Paris, France

    19 September 2019

    Camstar will be presenting their products and services at the Fi Europe & Ni 2019 Exhibition. With 1,700+ exhibitors, 60,000+ sqm of exhibition space and a 27,000 people expected to attend.

    We'll be at stand #7M171 and look forward...
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  • Who's Keeping All This Under Control

    29 August 2019

    It's convoy time for the vehicles associated with the Camstar parsley harvest. From right to left we see our two Ploeger harvesters, the 'chaser', a tractor and trailer that follows a harvest round the field, and the three lorrys which...
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  • Congratulations Harry!

    ...and to Kristy...and Tommy

    29 August 2019

    Here's Camstar's Harvest Co-ordinator Harry Wilkins with his partner Kristy and youngest member of the family Tommy, their cause for celebration is Tommy's christening.

    Rumour has it that CEO Ed Starke has already plotted out a long...
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  • Organic Parsley in the Fields

    Nearly Ready for Harvest

    22 August 2019

    Judging by the look of the fields Camstar's dedicated team have excelled at the challenge of growing parsley pesticide free, parsley crops are prone to being swamped out by weeds so an organic crop needs plenty of tender...
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  • Our New Harvester

    2019 Parsley Harvest

    15 August 2019

    The new Ploeger harvester is now up and running, and out in the fields. This is our second harvester and uses a different mechanism to our existing one, having the option to use a cutting action rather than...
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  • 2019 Camomile Harvest Begins

    25 July 2019

    Despite scorching UK weather this week the camomile fields are looking great as harvest starts.

    The camomile is first cut into rows and left to dry in the field  in order to prepare it for the distillation...
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  • 2019 Camomile Crop Looking Great

    11 July 2019

    As the time for harvest approaches the Camomile crop at Chestnuts farm is looking particularly fine. Harvest, once it commences, will be over in a matter of days, but for now there's time to take in the view...
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  • Staff Incentives

    Production Means Prizes

    04 July 2019

    Operations Manager Kerry Reynolds is very pleased to demonstrate how our new staff incentives initiative will work. A target has been set for the 2019 parsley season which, when reached, will result in a bonus for all production...
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  • Ed in Turkey

    Sage and Oregano in Denizli

    27 June 2019

    Here at Camstar we're always keen to make sure that we're sourcing the best possible herbs and spices for our customers. Here's CEO Ed Starke in Denizli, Turkey checking out the latest crops of Oregano and Sage. The...
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  • 2019 Parsley Season Gets Underway

    27 June 2019

    Snapped this morning in a field near Uggeshall, Suffolk, here's one of Camstar's two Ploeger harvesters just about to start on the main 2019 harvest. Recent exceptionaly heavy rains seem to have given the parsley a good start...
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  • Organic Parsley from Camstar

    New for 2019

    06 June 2019

    While Camstar Herbs have offered an extensive range of organic products for a number of years now for the first time this season we will be actually producing organic parsley for the first time.

    100 acres have...
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  • Congratulations Charly & John!

    16 May 2019

    We're very pleased to announce the marriage of our Accounts Manager Charly Rowland to her partner John. Charly will be changing her surname to Marshall.
    All at Camstar wish them a happy future together.

    As might have...
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  • Spanish Garlic

    Our Intrepid Explorers Visit the Source

    09 May 2019

    With the current worries about the detection of peanut allergens in Chinese grown garlic Camstar Group Sales Manager Martin Hoxworth and Camstar Ingredients Operations and Sales Manager Ben Land have wasted no time in getting over to see...
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  • Well Done Liam and Joe!

    Camstar Staff Promotions

    02 May 2019

    We're happy to announce two promotions within the ranks of Camstar Employees this month.

    Liam Potter has been with us since September and has now risen to the dizzy heights of Senior Accounts Assistant. With his positive...
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  • 2019 ASTA Annual Meeting

    Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort, Florida, USA

    18 April 2019

    Here's Camstar CEO Ed Starke at the 2019 ASTA Annual Meeting in Florida, this year held at the prestigiuos Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort. Key topics for discussion were the US spice trade and importers to the US...
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  • Camstar at the 2019 Farm and Deli Show

    NEC Birmingham, 8-10 April

    11 April 2019

    This year's Farm and Deli Show was a roaring success for Camstar. Visitors to the show were tempted by the smell of freshly baked bread and invited to taste Camstar Ingredients' products. Here we see from left to...
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  • Marathon for Camstar Ingredients Director

    Operations and Sales Director Ben Land Runs for Charity

    04 April 2019

    We're very pleased to report that Operations and Sales Director Ben Land has just completed a half marathon in London as  a fund raiser for the Guide Dogs Association. Ben was quietly pleased with his time of 1...
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  • Congratulations Jack!

    Promotion for Jack Pickerden

    04 April 2019

    Jack Pickerden started work for Camstar 7 years ago as a young apprentice. Since then he has become a valued member of the Technical Team, on occasion even taking to the helm of the Technical Dept. to cover for Technical...
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  • Parsley Growers’ Information Document

    Ready for 2019 Harvest

    04 April 2019

    Camstar Herbs have issued their latest Growers' Information Document as the 2019 Parsley Harvest approaches.
    The document plenty of information for growers, with an overview of every step along the way from planting to harvest.
    There's also plenty...
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  • Changing Room for New GMP Area

    Camstar Ingredients Invest for Ready To Eat Products

    03 April 2019

    For ready to eat products requiring extra care in handling, Camstar Ingredients have a new segregated area. Operatives will change into dedicated protective clothing which is only to be used in the new area. The stainless steel barrier...
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  • Ed at the Parliamentary Review Gala Dinner

    21 March 2019

    Here's CEO Ed Starke representing Camstar at the Parliamentary Review Gala Dinner, following the recent selection of Camstar Herbs as a 'Best Practice Representative'.

    We see Ed in conversation with the BBC's Andrew Neil. Mr. Neil, well...
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  • Spanish Garlic Available from Camstar

    Chinese Product Flagged as At Risk from Peanut Contamination

    20 March 2019

    Recent reports have raised issues of the possibility of peanuts being present in Garlic products from China. Previously this was restricted to Garlic powder, but now there are suspicions about the wet product too.
    Detection of the presence...
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  • New Equipment for Camstar Ingredients, Sachet Filler

    Sachets filled to customer’s request

    14 March 2019

    Camstar Ingredients are very pleased to announce that we now have the ability to produce retail ready full colour sachets on site. These sealed sachets are also available unprinted, ideal for inclusion into ready meals. Filling can be...
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  • Indian Cooking Masterclass

    Ed Shares his Knowledge

    07 March 2019

    Here we see CEO Ed Starke in his element, surrounded by delicious food ingredients and an attentive audience as he demostrates his cooking skills. Ed's knowledge of Indian food is extensive, being a frequent visitor to the country...
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  • Camstar featured in Parliamentary Review

    07 March 2019

    The Parliamentary Review focusses on a different area in which government are involved each year, and this year they feature Agriculture and Rural Affairs. CEO is delighted that Camstar Herbs were selected as a representative business, and has...
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  • New Welfare Lorry

    14 February 2019

    Our new welfare lorry is currently being prepared for the 2019 Parsley season, now scheduled for an early start in May. By then it will be fully fitted and adorned with the Camstar logo. Facilities will include an...
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  • Plans for Expansion

    Big Changes at Camstar

    14 February 2019

    Plans for expansion will be going ahead in two stages,
    Stage 1: A large increase to our existing warehousing facility, a new loading bay and accomodation for seasonal workers.
    Stage 2: A new factory, a new production office and a...
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  • Our Delivery Lorry Now Ready to Go

    13 February 2019

    Our new delivery lorry has now been given the finishing touch, with the addition of the Camstar logo.

    While customers will continue to receive deliveries from our regular hauliers the lorry provides the option of a specialised quick and convenient service.


  • Ed at the International Spice Conference

    2019, Hyderabad India

    31 January 2019

    Here we see CEO Ed Starke representing the Camstar Group at the 2019 International Spice Conference. This year's theme is "Challenges of Change, Redefining the Value Chain".
    Ed's response is to demostrate his finely honed technique for dealing...
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  • Water For Kenyan School

    Pe-Hill now has a bore hole

    24 January 2019

    Great to see that the new bore hole for Pe-Hill Boys Secondary School is already up and running. Camstar CEO Ed Starke is delighted that we have been able to provide funding for this, and hopes that our...
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  • New Equipment for 2019

    17 January 2019

    Here at Camstar herbs we're gearing up for the 2019 season by making some serious investments in equipment.
    Our second Ploeger harvester should join our existing one out in the parsley fields in May. The new harvester has...
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  • Ed and Martin in Poland

    10 January 2019

    CEO Ed Starke and Group Sales Director Martin, our intrepid globe trotters, are recently back from a trip to Poland. They've discovered an excellent source of botanical herbs to add to our ever increasing range, and also took...
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  • Waving the Flag

    For Camstar and the UK

    25 October 2018

    Here's CEO Ed Starke at a World Convention for Essential Oils. Camstar are able to supply an ever increasing range of both UK home grown product and international imports. Having mislaid his now familar label Ed holds the...
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  • Bore Hole for Pe-Hill School

    Water Aid for Kenyan School

    20 September 2018

    Pupils at Pe-Hill School celebrate that water will soon be abundant. This rousing dance was performed to celebrate the fact that in November work will start on a borehole. CEO Ed Starke is delighted that Camstar Herbs have...
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  • 2018 Parsley Season Starts

    28 July 2018

    At last an opportunity for all that new equipment at Chestnuts Farm to really show what it can do. After weeks of drought, causing slow growth, we're now in operation, and what's more the rains seem to have resumed...
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  • Camomile Production Now Under Way

    The 2018 Season for Camomile Essential Oil

    19 July 2018

    Camomile Essential Oil production is now in full swing, courtesy of our newly acquired steam generator which is visible in the background. Here we see the mixture of oil and condensed steam as it flows into the separation...
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  • Camomile Looking Good

    The 2018 Crop Approaches Harvest Time

    12 July 2018

    Once again it's that time of year when the sweet smell of Camomile starts to drift around the Suffolk countryside. This year's crop, under the ever watchful eye of estate manager Tim Stammers, is looking good despite the...
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  • All We Need Now is Parsley

    New Equipment in Place, but Harvest Delayed by Lack of Rain

    12 July 2018

    The last few weeks have seen the arrival of plent of new equipment as we gear up for the 2018 season. This year we're going to make every day a perfect day for harvesting, regardless of weather. Prior...
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  • Ben and Martin in Spain

    28 June 2018

    Here we see the Square of Flowers in Murcia, Spain. Visited by Camstar Ingredients Operations and Sales Director Ben Land and Group Sales Director Martin Hoxworth. In Ben's dreams this would be the ideal site for the proposed...
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  • Congratulations to Rafal and Basia

    Their Wedding in Poland

    07 June 2018

    Congratulations to our talented Engineer and Shift Supervisor Rafal Kolibski and his new wife Basia. The ceremony in Trabki Wielkie, Poland, was attended by CEO Ed Starke and Sales Director Tracey Clark.

    According to Camstar rumour part...
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  • Ed in Poland

    07 June 2018

    Having attended Rafal's wedding (see other news item) CEO Ed Starke was keen to see the sites in Gdansk, and maybe find a Polish bride of his own.

    Seems he found a lady who was at least prepared to give him...
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  • Ed at the E.S.A.

    2018 General Assembly of the European Spice Association in Florence

    31 May 2018

    C.E.O. Ed Starke's contribution to the 2018 General General Assembly of the E.S.A seems to have taken the form of an attempt to join the band. If only they'd lend him one of those hats. As...
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  • Excitement At Camstar Herbs

    New Equipment for the 2018 Season

    24 May 2018

    The world wants parsley, and as the 2018 season approaches Camstar is preparing to supply an ever increasing demand. Seen here is part of the new trace system being lifted into place.

    From this year on the...
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  • A 3rd Water Tank Now in Place

    Philanthropy is Ongoing

    03 May 2018

    A third water tank from Camstar. This one was installed at Pe-Hill School in Kenya.

    CEO Ed Starke is delighted that Camstar are able to bring the gift of water to the school. Their only good source...
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  • Beware on your Next Transatlantic Flight

    Ed Starke, Master of Disguise

    03 May 2018

    Those long transatlantic flights can obviously get a bit dull. CEO Ed Starke livens things up by pretending to be a member of the cabin staff. All you need, it seems, is the right hat and a supreme...
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  • Ed & Tracey in USA

    2018 Asta Convention in Florida

    26 April 2018

    Here's CEO Ed Starke on the promotional trail at the Annual General Meeting of the American Spice Trade Association, 2018. His cap says "Upgrade to English Parsley", and his sweatshirt declares "Camstar Herb's Ltd. England's green and pleasant...
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  • Investment for Camomile in 2018

    A new steam boiler, and more

    19 April 2018

    Here at Camstar we're looking forward to the 2018 Camomile harvest. and we've just invested £70,000 in a new boiler for the Steam Distillation process. We've also installed new condensers and will be obtaining some additional stills.

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  • Ed & Martin in Albania

    In search of Botanical Herbs

    12 April 2018

    As part of our continued drive to reduce our supply chain, the team is actively looking to work with primary manufacturers for our botanical range of products. Visiting Albania helps us to achieve our goal of 100% direct...
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  • Water Tank Installed at Obanga

    29 March 2018

    We're very pleased to see the new water tanks installed at Obanga School. Camstar have already funded a similar tank at Pe-Hill school and CEO Ed Starke is keen to continue on the philanthropic course that we're currently...
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  • Bulk Index Measurement with Precision

    Customer Satisfaction is our Priority

    22 March 2018

    Bulk index tells us the amount of volume taken up by a given amount of parsley. While finding it may seem a simple matter of weighing a certain volume this turns out to not be the case. Parsley...
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  • Sustainability Report 2018

    now available for download

    08 March 2018

    Forward into the future Camstar are developing a strategy for sustainability, ethical responsibility and increased efficiency . Good for the environment, and good for business too. This report outlines what we do already, and what plans we have...
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  • Parsley Production Flow Chart

    From Seed, to Field, to Factory, to You

    08 March 2018

    At Camstar we always want to provide the best possible products to our customers, and so we make sure we're in control at every stage. Parsley seeds are selected by Camstar for our Red Tractor Assured growers to...
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  • Our New Roaster

    and a novel approach to heat treatment

    07 March 2018

    As part of our continuing program of investment in the latest technology we're very excited to announce the arrival of our new Torbed processor from Torftech Ltd. This  uses a bed of hot air to rapidly heat the product...
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  • Ed & Tracey in India

    International Spice Conference 2018

    08 February 2018

    Here's Camstar CEO Ed Starke at the 2018 International Spice Conference in Jaipur, India, organised by the All India Spices Exporters Forum. We assume they've put that large label on him so they can be sure to send...
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  • Big Investments at Chestnuts Farm

    £510,000 for Parsley Plant

    21 December 2017

    We're making some big changes here at Chestnuts Farm, with the focus being on 'Perfect Day Parsley Every Day'. Not every day is perfect for harvest, for instance rain, however welcome for irrigation, also has the tendency to...
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  • Parsley Moisture Content Accurately Monitored

    Our New A&D MX-50 Moisture Analyser

    12 October 2017

    With the parsley season in full swing we're always looking for ways to improve efficiency and quality. The new A & D MX-50 Moisture Analyser will be used on on incoming parsley allowing an accurate set of records...
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  • More Equipment for the Camstar Group

    Our New Mill from Turner Process Equipment

    28 September 2017

    The new mill, from Turner's Process Equipment is the latest addition to our factory and gives us even more flexibility for tailoring products to our customer's needs. The mill is best suitable for cracking seeds such as coriander and cumin...
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  • Health and Safety for Our Workforce

    NEBOSH Certification for Kerry

    28 September 2017

    We're very pleased to announce that our Operations Manager, Kerry Reynolds BA Hons. has achieved certification with the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health. The NEBOSH National Diploma is the flagship NEBOSH...
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  • 2017 Camomile Harvest Now Over

    03 August 2017

    We're very pleased with the quality of this year's harvest, just finished. Camomile looked great in the field and the oil looked great in the bottle. Here we see the flowers being cut and left in rows. They'll...
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  • Philanthropy

    Water Aid for Kenyan Schools

    20 July 2017

    CEO Ed Starke's latest initiative, working with the Kenya based Cannemela Project, now comes to fruition. Camstar are very happy to announce that the water butt with associated guttering and piping is now fitted and fully operational.Read More

  • Ed Returns to his Roots

    Camomile Oil Production Now in Full Flow

    20 July 2017

    CEO Ed Starke relives his younger days, and get's stuck in with the camomile oil production. Once harvested the plants are steam distilled, with condensed steam depositing oil into the seperators. Ed demonstrated the technique for delicately skimming...
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  • Our New Sieve Shaker

    Endecotts Octagon 200CL

    08 June 2017

    The parsley season will soon be upon us and we're getting ready by investing in some new equipment. The Octagon 200CL Sieve Shaker from Endecotts is the latest new addition to our laboratory. Featuring  sets of sieves certified...
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  • Ed's Exploits Continue

    On to Mexico

    28 April 2017

    For once adopting casual address we find Ed once again trying to engage the attentions of an attractive young lady.

    At least this one didn't run away. 


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  • ASTA 2017 Annual Meeting and Exhibits

    Ed & Tracey in the USA

    27 April 2017

    Here's CEO Ed Starke and Sales Director Tracey Clark in attendance at the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the American Spice Trade Association. This year the AGM is located at the Hilton Austin, in Texas.
    As usual Ed...
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  • New Equipment for Camstar

    9 Tray Dehydrator

    21 April 2017

    The latest acquisition at Camstar, the 9 tray dehydrator from Excalibur, uses a fluctuating temperature pattern for rapid drying while limiting the destruction of nutrients in the food. Fruit, veg, meats and other items can be processed for...
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  • Out and About with Ed

    ...and an echo from the past

    21 April 2017

    Somewhere on a mountain in the Lake District we find CEO Ed Starke with Nick Barnes ( of Barnes Williams).  Ed's convinced that the meeting room they're looking for can't be much further.

    Rest assured they're both...
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  • Philanthropy

    Water Aid for Kenyan Schools

    23 March 2017

    The Obanga School in Kenya is situated on a rocky slope, and is without clean water supply for 6 months of the year. CEO Ed Starke was keen to help with this situation, and through our contact Roger...
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  • Ed’s Adventures in India

    23 February 2017

    Once again Camstar CEO Ed Starke travels the world, and as usual his cover story involves seeking out new connections in the spice trade, with a view to further improve the service we can offer our customers. What's...
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  • Congratulations Pawel and Anna

    Marraige for our Factory Supervisor

    14 September 2016

    At Camstar we're delighted to announce the marriage of our long term factory supervisor Pawel Lewinski to his new wife Anna. The wedding took place in Poland on 8th September, with CEO Ed Starke very much in attendance.

    Whether Ed's personal...
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  • Camomile Looking Great

    This year's harvest underway

    10 August 2016

    The scent of English Camomile is on the air at Chestnuts Farm, where a high quality crop is just being harvested. Camstar's recent efforts and  investments with the fields are starting to really take effect.

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  • Parsley Season Begins

    and the English weather isn't helping

    03 August 2016

    Finally this year's Parsley harvest is under way. Those heavy rain showers just aren't helping, so things are a little slow. Nevertheless Camstar's state of the arts plants are turning out high quality product, with our new Buhler double pass...
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  • A 4th JCB Fastrac for the new season

    22 June 2016

    In anticipation of the new Parsley season, starting July this year, we have invested in a fourth JCB Fastrac tracktor and trailer. With our policy of field to factory in less than half an hour we need to invest in...
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  • Another New Coloursorter

    Camstar at the forefront of technological innovation

    15 June 2016

    As the July start of the 2016 Parsley season approaches we've just installed a second Bühler coloursorter in our Camstar 1 plant. This one's a larger two pass sorter for improved rejection of foreign bodies.

    Meanwhile over...
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  • Ed's Adventures in Global Marketing

    11 May 2016

    At Camstar we have our eyes on the Asian market. Here's CEO Ed Starke in Indonesia, at what he claims is our first overseas branch. Whether this local style point of sale will be suitable for large volume...
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  • 2016 ASTA Annual Meeting & Exhibits

    American Spice Trade Association

    15 April 2016

    Here's Camstar CEO ED Starke networking at the 2016 ASTA Annual Meeting and Exhibits, located at the J.W. Marriot Resort and Spa in Scottsdale Arizona. He was accompanied by Sales Director Tracey Clark who like Ed has obviously made...
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  • Camstar in Indonesia

    Spices and Oleoresins in Java

    23 March 2016

    We follow heros Martin Hoxworth and Steve Clemenson in their travels, after leaving India next stop was Indonesia. In Surabaya, Java they visited production facilities and warehousing for Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves and Pepper. Local facilities included plants for...
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  • Camstar in India

    Garlic and Onion Producers

    22 March 2016

    Further adventures for the intrepid Martin Hoxworth, Camstar Group Sales Manager and Steve Clemenson, Operations Director for Camstar Ingredients.


    Travelling to Rajkot and Ahmedabad in the Gurjarat region...
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  • Camstar in India

    World Spice Congress 2016

    09 March 2016

    Camstar's Group Sales Manager, Martin Hoxworth, and Operations Director for Camstar Ingredients, Steve Clemenson were delegates at the World Spice Congress 2016, held at the renowned Gujarat University Convention and Exhibition Centre.

    "Target 2020: Clean, Safe and...
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  • Nothing Wasted at Camstar

    Unwanted Parsley Stalk Generates Power

    10 February 2016

    With Camstar being the largest producer of dried parsley in Europe it's not surprising that we have a fair amount of waste. The majority of this is stalk, which is separated from the leaf after drying.

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  • Test Results, can they be Misleading?

    Camstar's Guide to False Positives

    23 December 2015

    No-one would question that pesticide regulations are essential to protect consumers from the effects of dangerous chemicals. Not only are they often toxic, they are sometimes able to build up in the human body over a long period...
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  • Camstar at Food Ingredients Europe

    Presenting at the Paris Show

    10 December 2015

    The tagline for the 2015 Paris Show for Food Ingredients Europe was "Discover Innovative Ingredients". Plenty of opportunity for that at the Camstar booth.

    Camstar had a strong prescence at the event, with CEO Ed Starke and Group Sales Manager Martin...
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  • Marks and Spencer A List for Camstar

    05 October 2015

    Camstar are very pleased to announced that as of today we have achieved inclusion on the Marks and Spencer A list. This follows an in depth audit lasting two days.

    The list will provide a reference to...
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  • BRC 7 Grade AA for Camstar

    09 September 2015

    Camstar Herbs Ltd. are very pleased to be able to announce that we have recently achieved accreditation to the new BRC 7 standards. We're delighted that we've achieved AA grade, the highest possible for an announced visit.

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  • 3 New Forklifts for the Camstar Warehouse

    15 July 2015

    Over at Camstar Warehouse 1 they're very excited to have just obtained two new Jungheinrich forklifts and an Aisle Master high lift unit.

    Camstar continues to invest in the lastest and best technology for maximum efficiency....
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  • Camstar at the European Spice Association

    General Assembly 2015

    24 June 2015

    Once again Camstar are making their prescence felt at the General Assembly of the European Spice Association. Here's CEO Ed Starke representing us at the main event in Berlin.

    Ed was accompanied by Sales Manager Tracey Clark.

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  • Arrival of the Vibratory Screening Conveyor

    The Latest Technology for Foreign Body Removal

    17 June 2015

    Camstar are delighted to announce that a Foreign Body Removing Conveyor will be added to our main production plant for this season's Parsley harvest.

    The vibratory screening conveyor is the ingenious construction of Ambit Projects Limited. It...
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  • Latest Gear for Camstar Production

    Always Improving Quality

    04 June 2015

    Camstar are delighted to announce that a Foreign Body Removing Conveyor will be added to our main production plant for this season's Parsley harvest.

    The vibratory screening conveyor is the ingenious construction of Ambit Projects Limited. It...
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  • Camstar Rewards Productivity

    Martin Hoxworth Takes to the Air

    01 June 2015

    After his short time with Camstar  sales manager Martin Hoxworth has already proved so successful that CEO Ed Starke has seen fit to reward him with a flight in a P51 Mustang. The Mustang has been resident at...
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  • Camstar Welcomes an Old Friend

    The Amazing Alembic

    28 May 2015

    Latest arrival in the Camstar foyer is this 1899 alembic still, originally belonging to CEO Ed Starke's great grandfather Augustus Bruce Starke. Augustus started the family business in essential oils using the alembic to make peppermint oil.
    These days...
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  • American Spice Trade Association 2015 AGM

    27 May 2015

    Camstar's CEO Ed Starke and Sales Director Tracey Clark were once again in attendance at the AGM of the American Spice Trade Association. ASTA work with  the spice trade to keep quality at it's best, whilst keeping an...
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  • China Visit

    27 May 2015

    Just back from their China trip are Camstar Ingredients' Ben Land and Camstar Group Sales Manager Martin Hoxworth.
    Ben and Martin were there to take a first hand look at suppliers Shandong Yipin, and were not only impressed...
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  • Our Own Defibrillator

    23 April 2015

    Camstar are pleased to announce that we now have a defibrillator available at all times. Research shows that the success rate for defibrillation can decrease by 10% for every minute wasted, so having the device onsite greatly increases...
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  • Roasting, to Your Specification

    Our new jacketed blender is at your disposal

    01 April 2015

    With our latest piece of gear we're now able to offer roasting as a service, as well as providing products roasted to your exact specification.

    Ideal for spices, bell peppers, onion and dried garlic, our 1000 litre...
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  • A World of Spice

    28 January 2015

    Recently commissioned by CEO Ed Starke are two world maps created from spices, indicating their country of origin. These now feature in the foyers at both Camstar Herbs and Camstar Ingredients.

    Here at Camstar Herbs our...
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  • New Colours for 2015

    Camstar Office Gets a Makeover

    21 January 2015

    A striking new paintjob for the Camstar Main Office. Now we're all set for 2015 to be another successful year with a vibrant red that was specially selected by our CEO Ed Starke.

  • Camstar Welcomes Martin Hoxworth

    Group Sales Manager

    10 December 2014

    Camstar are very pleased to welcome Martin Hoxworth onto the team. Martin is taking the position of Group Sales Manager and will operate on behalf of both Camstar Herbs Ltd. and Camstar Ingredients Ltd. His forward thinking approach...
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  • Camstar Hall of Fame

    A Rogues Gallery

    19 November 2014

    Camstar celebrates long standing contributions to the business with a series of protraits proudly displayed in the foyer.

    Richard Starke (1945-2014). Sadly no longer with us, Richard founded the company and set it on course to become...
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  • Go Stress Free With Camstar

    Hassle Free Herb and Spice

    23 July 2014

    At Camstar we supply the finest UK grown Parsley to match your specification. We also have a vast range of traded spices and herbs goods which are selected to meet your needs by our purchasing department and fully checked by...
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  • Camstar at the European Spice Association

    06 June 2014

    This year Camstar are making themselves known at the European Spice Association General Assembly. Here is  Ed Starke representing us at the main event in Murcia, Spain.

    Also with Ed were Sales Manager Tracey Clark and the Operations Director of Camstar Ingredients...
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  • Keeping Track of Spice Prices

    23 May 2014

    At Camstar we're always trying to get the best deal for our customers, that's why we're keen to keep track of international spice prices.

    While trend graphs like these are very informative about the sort of variations to expect it's notoriously...
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  • American Spice Trade Association 2014 Annual Meeting and Exhibits

    14 May 2014

    CEO Ed Starke represented Camstar Herbs Ltd. at the American Spice Trade Association 2014 Annual Meeting and Exhibits.

    This event provided a series of lectures on the latest key spice industry issues and was well attended by both US spice producers and...
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  • World Spice Congress 2014

    08 May 2014

    Camstar CEO Ed Starke cuts a dashing figure at the 2014 World Spice Congress, India.
    This year the main topic was sustainability, with the achievement of consistent quality standards around the world being key to achieving it.

    Ed represented Camstar Herbs...
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  • Monthly Market report

    23 April 2014

    For the benefit of customers old and new Camstar are now offering a regular email update on the state of the international Herb and Spice trade. Full of handy information about price trends this will keep you up to date...
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  • Colour Sorting in 2014

    29 January 2014

    We're currently awaiting the delivery of our second coloursorter. The Buhler Sortex ZB +2 is scheduled for installation on our 4-8mm line for the 2014 Parsley season.
    The new machine will not only be an extra safeguard against unwanted additions...
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  • Our New Chive Harvester.

    16 January 2014

    Here at Camstar are keeping up to date with the very latest in technological advances with our new chive harvester. With 4 cutters that  have individual height adjustment it's capable of an optimal cut every time, and with a...
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  • New Warehouse and Technical Office

    03 January 2014

    We're pleased to annouce the addition of our new Warehouse and Technical Office. Being integrated into our recently expanded warehouse this will allow logistics and technical staff to work in close co-ordination to ensure that all incoming products are checked...
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  • Camstar Ingredients Ltd

    We are proud to announce a new division of Camstar Herbs Limited is up and running. Producing top quality breaders and coaters, seasonings, glazes, cimex salt. Also trading in a wide range of herbs and spices.

  • Plans For New Warehouse

    Camstar Herbs Limited are looking into extending their existing warehouse to be able to stock an even greater range of dried herbs, spices and vegetables.